Recent agenda decisions of the IFRS Interpretations Committee
IFRS Interpretations Committee (Committee) agenda decisions are those issues that the Committee decided not to take onto its agenda. Although not authoritative guidance, in practice they are regarded as being highly persuasive, and all entities reporting under IFRS should be aware of these decisions because they could impact the way particular transactions and balances are accounted for. |
At its March 2019 meeting, the IFRS Interpretations Committee (Committee) issued eight final agenda decisions, four clarifying the accounting for certain complex application aspects of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments, two clarifying the accounting by joint operators, one on the capitalisation of borrowing costs for over time transfer of constructed assets, and one on the accounting for the right to receive access to software as a service.
A summary of the last four, more commonly encountered issues is included below. Please refer to the March 2019 IFRIC update for more information on the other issues mentioned above.
Issue 1: Over time transfer of a constructed good (IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers)
Fact pattern Real Estate Developer constructs a building and sells individual units in the building to customers. Real Estate Developer borrows funds specifically to construct the building and incurs borrowing costs. Before construction begins, Real Estate Developer signs contracts with customers for the sale of some of the units in the building ‘off the plan’. Real Estate Developer intends to enter into contracts with customers for the remaining part-constructed units (unsold units) as soon as it finds suitable customers. Applying IFRS 15, paragraph 35(c), Real Estate Developer transfers control of each unit over time, and therefore recognises revenue ‘over time’. Consideration promises by customers is in the form of cash. |
Question: Does Real Estate Developer have a ‘qualifying asset’ as defined in IAS 23 Borrowing Costs? |
Rationale for agenda decision: |
Conclusion: Where revenue is recognised over time under IFRS 15, paragraph 35(c) borrowing costs cannot be capitalised as there is no ‘qualifying asset’ that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use. Receivables and contract asset are not qualifying assets. Inventories of partially completed units ready for sale are also not qualifying assets because they are ‘ready for intended use’, i.e. sale in their partially completed state. |
Issue 2: Rights to receive access to the supplier’s software hosted on the Cloud (IAS 38 Intangible Assets)
Fact pattern Customer contracts to pay a fee in exchange for the right to receive access to Software Co’s application software for a specified term (‘Software as a Service’). Software Co’s software runs on Cloud infrastructure which is managed and controlled by Sofware Co. Customer accesses software on an ‘as needs’ basis over the internet and via a dedicated line. The contract does not convey to User any rights over tangible assets. |
Question: Does Customer receive a:
Rationale for agenda decision: |
Software lease
Software intangible asset
Conclusion: A contract that conveys only the right for the customer to receive access to the supplier’s application software in the future is a service contract because the customer receives the service (the access to the software) over the contract term. If the customer pays the supplier before it receives the service, that prepayment gives the customer a right to future service and is an asset for the customer. |
Issue 3: Sale of output by a joint operator where output it receives from joint operation differs from its entitlement to output (IFRS Joint Arrangements)
Fact pattern Joint Operator A and Joint Operator B have entered into a joint arrangement to manufacture widgets. The joint arrangement is classified as a ‘joint operation’ under IFRS 11. Joint Operator A and B each have a right to receive 50% of the output from the arrangement, and each have an obligation to share costs equally as well. During the reporting period, for operational reasons, the output received by Joint Operator A, and transferred to its customers, is different from the output to which they are entitled. The difference will be settled through future deliveries of output from the joint operation to Joint Operator A’s customers. The difference cannot be settled in cash. Joint Operator A recognises revenue in accordance with IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers as ‘principal’ in the transactions to transfer output from the joint arrangement to its customers. |
Question: Does Joint Operator A recognise revenue to depict:
Rationale for agenda decision: |
Conclusion: Revenue is recognised by Joint Operator A only for output it received during the reporting period, and then on sold to customers. |
Issue 4: Liabilities in relation to a joint operator’s interest in a joint operation (IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements)
Fact pattern Joint Operation has two operators: Joint Operator C and Joint Operator D who share costs equally. Joint Operation is not structured through a separate vehicle. Joint Operator C, as sole signatory, enters into a lease contract with Lessor for an item of property, plant and equipment that will be operated jointly as part of Joint Operation’s activities. Joint Operator C has a right to recover a share of the lease costs from Joint Operator D in accordance with the contractual arrangements relating to Joint Operation. |
Question: Assuming IFRS 16 Leases is applicable, is Joint Operator C required to recognise the obligation for the whole lease liability, or its half share? |
Rationale for agenda decision: |
Conclusion: Joint Operator C would be required to recognise the whole lease liability to Lessor because it has primary responsibility, as sole signatory, for that debt. |