Contributing to the economic wellbeing of all
Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei – See the treasure you value most dearly; if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain
BDO can cover all of the technical work involved in running a business at Iwi level, whether this be in property, real estate, commercial building, farming, or accounting.
How BDO can help:
- Accounting
- Audit and assurance
- Corporate structuring
- Investment
- Human resources, including business education and coaching
- Taxation
- Valuation services
- Information systems
Integral to our work with Iwi business is the relationships we build. We'll help you decide where to go next with your business, to make the most profit possible while still ensuring sustainability for the people and planet around you.
This means we don't just do technical work - we're there every step of the way, offering business advice and consultancy services in any area you might need.