Our top 10 tips to stay in touch with your customers

Share relevant information

Keep an eye out for articles that may be interesting to customers. Share these with a personalised message explaining why you thought of them, and what in particular you think they will find useful or interesting.

Interact on social media

Social media provides a valuable (and free) tool to connect with your customers. Businesses work hard to produce online content, so a ‘like’ or a well thought out comment on Facebook or LinkedIn can go a long way.


Offer free training for issues and problems your customers find challenging. This also provides a chance for your customers to network and develop contacts.

Develop a regular newsletter

Newsletters are a great way to keep you in touch. Showcase some recent work, share testimonials or industry updates. This is a great way to keep you front of mind. 

Invite their insight

People love to give opinions, so invite your customers to fill out a short survey about the products or services you are providing them. Keep the survey short, and ask open ended questions. This will let them know that their opinions matter and will provide you with valuable insights.

Make timely contact

To really stand out, listen closely and record the small details customers share with you e.g. children’s birthdays, upcoming holidays. Set a reminder to reach out when appropriate based on what they shared.

Aim to catch-up at least once a year

Try to meet face-to-face at least once a year. It will give you a chance to have a genuine conversation with them and will help build a stronger business relationship.

Appreciate customers

Be sure to give thanks to customers for their business. A little gratitude in the form of a personalised card or small gift will increase the likelihood of it happening again.  

Refer their business to another contact

Listen to your customer’s needs and look for opportunities to recommend other customers’ products and services. Discuss them on a no-names basis first, then look for an opportunity to make an appropriate introduction.  

Endorse customers

Write a genuine and positive review or endorsement on their LinkedIn profile or Facebook business page about their skills or what they can offer.