BDO Invercargill community, sponsorship & events

With Invercargill as our home we are committed to providing quality services to the Invercargill, wider Southland areas that we love and spend time in. We pride ourselves on our commitment to supporting local businesses, the community and our people.

ILT Southland Sports Awards

The aim of the ILT Southland Sports Awards is to inspire the Southland Sporting community. To recognise and honour the outstanding achievements and performances of our sports people, coaches, officials and administrators, and to promote positive sporting role models for Southlanders.

2024 BDO Services to Sports 

Fiona Ward – For her outstanding contributions to Southland secondary school sport.

Fiona started her career as a teacher in the primary sector and later as a PE teacher & teacher in charge of health at Cargill High School. She has been Regional Sports Director since 1993 and continues her passion for sports either participating, coaching or teaching sport.

Peter Skelt – For his outstanding contribution to Badminton, Cricket and Rugby.

Peter has held a national title in badminton and was part of the Slazenger Cup winning Southland team. He has been extensively involved in the coaching of Southland cricket and rugby teams since the 1980s, as well as co-coaching the Southland rugby development team to a national title. Peter has also previously been part of the Southland Stags Management group.

Fiona Ward receiving Services to Sports award

Peter Skelt receiving Services to Sports award


BDO Invercargill was presented with a Pounamu stone to bless our new premises, entitled “Tamatea”. This koha (gift) was presented to connect us to Murihiku and offers BDO good health, safety and good fortune. The Pounamu resembles the overturned hull of Tamatea’s waka, Takitimu, and faces the sky to connect to Ranginui (Sky Father). The rimu base connects to Papatūānuku (Mother Earth).

Biz Bites InsightsBDO Biz Bites Insights

Biz Bites Insights are a series of events designed to support the Southland business community. The lunchtime events offer practical insights from speakers across a range of topics, from legal updates and health and safety through to team management and networking.

For more information on upcoming BDO Biz Bites events click here.

BDO gazebos

BDO gazebos

Our BDO gazebos are available for use in the community free of charge and have been seen at many events throughout the city and wider Southland area. Download the application and email once completed.

Surfer and flag

Community groups we sponsor

We continue to support a number of charitable and not-for-profit organisations. This support is led by our people, who generously give back by participating in various activities including workplace giving, fundraisers and donation drives. We currently support the following organisations:

  • Spirit Army
  • Women’s Refuge
  • Westpac Rescue Helicopter Appeal
  • Southland Food Bank
  • Salvation Army
  • Southland Rural Trust
  • Surfing for Farmers

Rugby team

Southland Rugby

The vision of Rugby Southland, which aims to "Capture, connect, and inspire our community through Rugby," deeply resonates with BDO Invercargill. We're committed to supporting the delivery of this vision and being a dedicated ambassador for the Stags and wish to congratulation to the players who have been selected for the 2025 NPC season. Tim Ward, Managing Partner at BDO Invercargill, says, "We have been a long-standing supporter of the Southland community, and our collaboration with the Stags highlights our commitment to the region. We look forward to contributing to the team's success both on and off the field."

BDO Invercargill supporting students

BDO Invercargill supports students in sports

BDO sponsored the first ever Southland Secondary Schools Sport, International Students Sports Day. The inaugural event was held on 15 April, and had students participating in a range of sports, including badminton, basketball, futsal, pickleball, volleyball and squash. There were 120 international students from seven secondary schools, and originating from counties including, China, Colombia, Netherlands, Germany, Malaysia and Philippines.

Group of people in red

The BDO Invercargill culture

We support our team in and out of the office through external qualification support and professional development whilst meeting their commitments to their families and others with a flexi time programme that suits their needs yet continues to ensure we deliver an exceptional client experience.  We also know how to have fun! Be that corporate rowing, basketball, netball or our BDO Big Day Out for training and development.

Ronald McDonald House

Ronald McDonald House 

BDO Invercargill is proud to support the Ronald McDonald Family Room, Southland Hospital. To find out more about how you can support the Family Room, go to