Iain Craig

Iain Craig

Tax Partner

Corporate Tax & International Tax | Eyes on Tax | Tax Accounting


Iain is a specialist tax partner in the Auckland office and has been advising on close to 30 years.  

He is known as BDO’s Eye on Tax and advises a wide range of companies on inbound and outbound tax issues and runs the tax compliance programme for a large number of overseas owned subsidiaries.

Recent assignments include:

  • assisting cloud based technology companies doing business offshore;
  • transaction advice on the acquisition of dairy plant manufacturer;
  • structuring advice for property development;
  • restructure work for overseas investment in Hotel and Property;
  • various transfer pricing reports;
  • thin capitalisation advice for a major asset leasing and finance company prior to an acquisition.

Iain is an expat Scot and a passionate golfer.  Iain represents New Zealand at curling and has completed a number of triathlons of varying distances.

He is a member of the Globalscot network set up by the Scottish Government to leverage their expatriate diaspora.

He currently presides over a single malt tasting club in Auckland.


  • Chartered Accountant (Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand)
  • Chartered Accountant of Scotland

Professional Affiliations 

  • Member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand



  • Bachelor of Commerce (University of Edinburgh)