Accounting standards resource hub

Accounting standards resource hub

Keep informed about the latest regulatory and legislative changes, and financial reporting requirements for businesses with news and information from BDO’s audit and accounting specialists.

We’re committed to helping you stay ahead of any changes to the financial reporting requirements, regulatory landscape and general business environment by providing access to the latest accounting news and business resources. Read our monthly Financial Reporting Insights here to keep up to date with the latest New Zealand and global developments in corporate financial and sustainability reporting.  You will also find below a range of further tools, resources and publications to help your business adopt the latest accounting standards.

For more help in ensuring your financial reporting is consistent with the requirements of applicable financial reporting standards (including NZ IFRS, and PBE IPSAS), please reach out to your BDO Advisor or BDO’s specialist Financial Reporting Advisory team.

Adopting NZ IFRS 18

The newly released NZ IFRS 18 accounting standard (formally known as ‘NZ IFRS 18 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements’) will require a number of important changes for your business’ financial statements - including changes to how financial information is required to be presented and disclosed. View our comprehensive guide on stepping up to the new standard.

Model financial statements

These illustrative financial statements are intended to be used as a source of general technical reference, as they show suggested disclosures together with their sources. They are not intended to address the particular circumstances of any particular individual or entity.

Model financial statements have been prepared for:

Generally Accepted Accounting Practice Standards (GAAP)

Our one page GAAP summaries help to gain a high-level overview of New Zealand Generally Accepted Accounting Practice Standards. These have been created for Not-for-Profit Entities, Public Sector Public Benefit Entities and Not-For-Profit Public Benefit entities. Click through the sections below to read the publications.

Public Sector Benefit Entity

Not-for-Profit PBE

Considerations for our GAAP summaries:

Although every effort has been made to provide accurate and timely information no these pages, we cannot guarantee the information will be accurate as at the date it is downloaded or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act upon such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular facts and circumstances of the situation.

These summaries are not a substitute reading and gaining a thorough understanding of the actual standards and interpretations. It is intended that the summaries will be updated from time to time to take into account any new standards and interpretations or amendments to the standards and interpretations. Please contact your local BDO representative to enquire about updates and for any assistance required in relation to the accounting standards.

IFRS guides

Find below a range of guides for adopting IFRS 16 and other IFRS accounting standards.

Global IFRS resources

Globally, BDO issues illustrative IFRS financial statements that are intended to be used as a source of general technical reference, as they show suggested disclosures together with their sources. These include both:

  • Illustrative INTERIM financial statements (including practical application guidance regarding IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting).
  • Illustrative ANNUAL financial statements.

They are not intended to address the particular circumstances of any particular individual or entity, and do not contain any of the New Zealand-specific disclosures (i.e., those required by FRS 44 New Zealand Additional Disclosures).

The full library of BDO illustrative IFRS financial statements can be found here.

Industry specific publications

See our publications below for New Zealand IFRS within various industries:

Meet our team

Michael Rondel

Michael Rondel

Audit & Assurance Partner
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Natalie Tyndall | BDO National

Natalie Tyndall

Head of Financial Reporting
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James Lindsay

James Lindsay

Partner, Head of Financial Reporting Advisory
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Michael Lim

Michael Lim

Audit and Assurance Partner, National Sport Sector Leader
View Bio

Financial Reporting Insights

Stay up to date with the latest New Zealand and global developments in financial and sustainability reporting.